Red Hulu Kapuas is a popular kratom strain that is grown near the banks of the Kapuas river in Indonesia. Pure and organic, you wont be disappointed with this red vein strain.
This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee.
Disclaimer: This product is not intended to cure, treat, or alleviate any disease, ailment and or condition. Please see the FDA Import Alert 54-15. All of our products are for lab research use only. Not for human or animal consumption. Big Bear Kratom Makes no representations as to intended use of our products. Please see our Product disclaimer and our Terms Of Service.
Use Coupon Code: RED30 for 30% OFF all individual Red Kratom Strains. Batch lab tested at 0.79% mitragynine. Coupon only applies to Red strains (100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg Sizes). Cannot be applied to 25g sizes or assorted Variety packs, Split Packs or Beginner Packs. Limited Time Only - Coupon discounted items are final sale. Dismiss
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